Last Saturday, in Nave Ivanow de San Andreu, a concert took place for Aitor. Aitor is a five year old boy that suffers from a rare disease called Duplication of MECP2 Syndrome (for more information about the disease, visit this link). His parents started a series of proposals to raise money to continue researching the sickness, in conjunction with the Hospital San Joan de Déu.
Many choral groups participated in the Solidarity Concert, including Espai 6-12, Xemeneia Amunt, and the Coral al Sagraer (the student chorus from Bernat’s school). During the second half of the concert, they gave a small speech about Bernat and his illness, to encourage people to donate blood in order to help children like Bernat. It was a nice gesture by Aitor’s parents and the organizers of the event. We would like to thank all of the people that made it possible for us to be included in the precious Solidarity Concert, especially Luz Marina.
Thank you very much!
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